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Our coaching programs are only for the select few
Lets see if we are good fit
Motivation Level For a change
High - If I don't make a change soon I will continue losing part of me
Medium - I know I need a change and I am experiencing some down days
Low - I want to change but don't know where to start
Which topic best describes my situation?
I have a big career dreams but not sure how to get there
I can use support with an upcoming transition
Things are good but I just want more!
I'm frustrated because I'm not living up to my full potential
I'm bored at work and going through the motions
I haven't been promoted in more than 3 years
I am worth more and they don't recognize it
Rate your self-awareness
Where are your in your work journey?
Early Career
Late Career
How much is your annual salary, bonus, and long term incentive package?
$100,000 - $200,000
$201,000 - $500,000
$500,000 - $800,000
$800,000 - $1.5M
Have you ever worked with a High Level Executive Coach before?
Who is the decision maker on investing in your career?
Someone Else
Me and Someone Else
Which of the following it true? (pick only one)
I have the funds available or have access to the credit necessary to pay for a high-level Executive Coaching experience.
I will need to apply for credit-based funding.
If we are a great fit, are you ready and willing to invest between $4,000 and $25,000 in your career?
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